Impulso Económico Global

Desayuno Seminario:

Registrations are closed
Construyendo Puentes entre los Inversionistas Extranjeros & los Servicios del Gobierno Mexicano 

Mr. Jimenez took us on a tour of the services and support that his Service can offer in Mexico while presenting the 'Atlas Prospectivo Territorial-Industrial para la atracción de inversiones en Mexico' that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) has just published. It is a tool used to promote investments in certain regions of the country by identifying a series of key sectors.

Odoo presented its business and services approach in Mexico. Odoo is a suite of business management applications that include a range of easy-to-use tools to optimize and monetize your business.

Date & Time
Wednesday March 02, 2022
9:00 AM12:00 PM (Mexico/General)

Belgian Mexican Business Chamber

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